Critical Thinking:
143 Teaching-Learning Strategies
by Victoria Nesnick, Ed.D.
Testimonials from faculty at Bladen Community College, North Carolina
– This workshop was very helpful in too many ways to put into words, but be assured that I will implement as many ideas as I can!”. ~Rupert Lucas
– “. . . really opened my eyes to levels of learning beyond levels one and two.” ~William D. Resseguie, PhD
– “. . .was helpful to me because it reaffirmed some things I am already doing. It also gave me ideas on how to expand on somethings or go a completely different route. Great job!” ~Samantha F. Pope
– “Victoria’s handouts were excellent and will be a great guide for future use.” ~Chad B. McKenzie,
Testimonials from faculty at LIM College, NYC
– “Extremely useful! I honestly learned a lot.” ~ Amanda Hallay
– “Love the workshop, team effort, learning from my colleagues.” ~Marc Benhamou
– “Reassuring to hear we are all faced with the same challenges.” ~Sally J. Shapiro
– “It was good to learn the details of Bloom’s Taxonomy and use them to critiqued my own teaching.” ~Tim Foran
– “Victoria’s handbook is absolutely excellent! It will be a source of reference for me for the rest of my teaching career. . . I have always struggled a little with using the words in Bloom’s Taxonomy ‘naturally’ but this manual has totally changed my understanding of Bloom.” ~Amanda Hallay
– “Extremely detailed and fact-filled. I will refer to it constantly.” ~Patrick Tormey