Critical Thinking:
143 Teaching-Learning Strategies

by Victoria Nesnick, Ed.D.

Testimonials from faculty at  Bladen Community College, North Carolina
This workshop was very helpful in too many ways to put into words, but be assured that I will implement as many ideas as I can!”. ~Rupert Lucas
“. . . really opened my eyes to levels of learning beyond levels one and two.” ~William D. Resseguie, PhD
“. . .was helpful to me because it reaffirmed some things I am already doing.  It also gave me ideas on how to expand on somethings or go a completely different route. Great job!” ~Samantha F. Pope
“Victoria’s handouts were excellent and will be a great guide for future use.” ~Chad B. McKenzie,

Testimonials from faculty at LIM College, NYC
– “Extremely useful!  I honestly learned a lot.” ~ Amanda Hallay
“Love the workshop, team effort, learning from my colleagues.” ~Marc Benhamou
“Reassuring to hear we are all faced with the same challenges.” ~Sally J. Shapiro
– “It was good to learn the details of Bloom’s Taxonomy and use them to critiqued my own teaching.” ~Tim Foran
“Victoria’s handbook is absolutely excellent! It will be a source of reference for me for the rest of my teaching career. . . I have always struggled a little with using the words in Bloom’s Taxonomy ‘naturally’ but this manual has totally changed my understanding of Bloom.”
~Amanda Hallay
“Extremely detailed and fact-filled.  I will refer to it constantly.” ~Patrick Tormey